Happy Birthday

Corey and Brittney's goat have birth to two Billie kids. They look clean, healthy and ready to play. There should be two more on the way. Corey and Britt are officially professional Goat Ropers now.

The New Tesla Cyber Truck

This is the new Tesla Cyber Truck. The driver was doing a test run. All electric. 

Winter in Morristown and around New York.

This was the week we delivered trailers to the North East. Snow everywhere. Even Morristown was covered in snow by the time we got back. The first picture is downtown Morristown. The last three was driving past New York. 


Photo's from Fausteens house.

As you make your way to the kitchen at Fausteens house you have to pass through the den. Walking through this den is like passing through a time machine. There are photographs from generations of family. It always seems like that picture was taken just yesterday.


Evie's Graduation Party

These are some photos of Evie's graduation party. There were quite a few people there and everybody had a great time. These photos are taken in the farm house.  


Zach and Megan Christmas 2024

Zach and Megan Christmas party in Johnson City. Wow! Great food with the best people. Everybody went up to Zach and Megan's homestead to celebrate Christmas. Corey and Britney came and brought some very special recipes that was off the charts. Zach and Megan put together a dinner that was so good that nobody wanted to stop eating. Aaron made his su...


French Cleats to organize your garage.

This was an idea that Corey told me about and I thought I would give it a try. You can pretty much hang anything you want securely on these cleats. It's a great way to get your garage squared away.


Christmas at the Farmhouse House. Dec 25th 2024

This was our Christmas 🎄 party at the Farmhouse on December 25th, 2024. It was great that everyone could all be together for this day. Zachary and Megan drove down from Johnson City. Britney and Corey came over from the Creek. Aaron took the day off from building houses to join us. Aaron also made the best coffee ever with all his equipment. It tak...

Resize_20240607_091116_6230 Evie 2014 Graduation

Evie's High School Graduation 2024

This was Evie Jewel Arthur High School Graduation. June 6, 2024. There were many people in attendance. Both Kenneth and Wendy were in the front row. Fausteen and Kathy drove in from Raven Hill. Hrandmaw Linda came all the way from Louisiana. Corey and Brittney came in from Washburn. Jeanie came in from Atlanta. Zachary and Megan drive down from Joh...


Evie's 17th Birthday

Evie said for her 17th birthday she wanted a good Cajun Low Country Boil with family and friends. A Low Country Boil with Sweet Corn, Cajun Sausage, Shrimp, Potatoes, Onion, Cyan Pepper, Cajun Seasoning and Aaron added the final touch with Crawfish and Crab Legs. What an amazing night because right after we got a once in a lifetime Northern Li...


Going way back in time.

These are some older photos that Corey had hanging on his wall at the Raven Hill House.  A lot of years have gone since these were taken. The people are Corey, Zach, Wendy, Jeff, Mick, Harold, Dusty, and Effie Arthur (Granny). Leave some comments  below.


January 15, 2024

First good snow of the year. 

Wendy's Photo's

Some really good pictures from Wendy. A lot of good memories in these pictures. 


Christmas at the Farmhouse 2023

Our first Christmas at the Farm House. I was so happy that everyone came and had a good time. Wendy, Evie, Corey and Brittni cooked a wonderful dinner. The ham from. Louisiana is a tradition the my dad started years ago and now Linda keeps that tradition going and we want to thank her for the best ham ever. This is also a celebration for ...

Some good photo's from Zach's Face Book.

These are some of the newer photos from Zach. There is a part 2 that has some of Zach's vintage photo's. A lot of memories in these pictures.  Leave some comments below.

Zachary Arthur's "Vintage Photo's"

These are some of Zach's vintage photo's. It's amazing how fast time flies. Leave a comment  below.

Compress_20231223_220651_140_20231225-021403_1 Grand Canyon

Zach and Megan at the Grand Canyon

Zach and Megan  on vacation at the Grand Canyon. 2023

Evie's Peppermint Woopee Pies

Evie's Peppermint Woopee Pies

Today for dinner Evie makes Peppermint Woopee Pies. She got the recipe from Pinterest but she customized it her way.

Another food video

Why do people post pictures and videos of their food? I've never understood this. But oh well, here's our food video.

Night Shift at Total

A video Corey made at Total Transportation in Ja kson Mississippi. 


Bible Verse of the Day


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