Murder Mystery at Corey and Britney 's

Murder Mystery Dinner at Corey and Brittany's house. There Joe and Brandy Carlos, Zachary and Brittany, Kenneth and Wendy and Aaron and Evie. 


Murder Mystery Dinner at Corey and Britneys


Great food! Great acting! Great time with Joe and Brandi Carlos, Zachary and Megan, Evie and Aaron and Wendy and me.  


Wendy and Evie

Wendy and Evie at The Humble Peacock. 


The Humble Peacock

Some Photos of The Humble Peacock Salon  and Spa in Morristown Tennessee.


Hibachi Grill in Johnson City

This was a good day with every body all together  having some good Chinese food. The cook at our table was pretty entertaining. This was up in Johnson City Tennessee.


Progress on the Farm House

This house has come a long way. I try to photograph each bit of progress that is made as we go along. This house is over 100 years old. 


Murder Mystery Dinner


This was another murder mystery dinner for the Arthur's. This time was up in Johnson City with Zach and Megan. Corey and Brittney was there and Wendy,Evie and Ken was there also. The food was fantastic! The acting was so good. Can't wait to do the next one.


Ken and Corey Fedex

These are just some pictures of Ken and Corey back in our FEDEX pulling days. We.went to California every week and back.  Almost forgot about Kirk the road dog. 


Fun in Pigeon Forge

This was a little getaway we all took to Pigeon Forge. If ya wanna spend money, go to Pigeon Forge. One place Wendy loves to eat at is Paula Dean's Restaurant. Most of the time we spent on "The Island"


The Smoky Mountains

This was our trip to the Smokey Mountain in Gatlinburg Tennesse. Joe and Brandy Carlos were there. Corey and Britney showed everybody where to go. The pictures of the old houses were the original homes of the loggers many years ago and have mostly been restored.


Lovin Cup Coffe Shop in Morristown Tn.

This used to be our favorite coffee shop. Wished that had stayed in business.


Murder Mystery at Zach and Megans

This was one of our fun days up at Zach and Megans house in Johnson City Tn.


Time for Renovations

Time to get started on the renovations.


Our New Project

This is where it all began on the Farm House.